
We have a responsibility to provide services to participants in a safe manner, and take steps to prevent harm, abuse and neglect.

We understand that certain incidents can impact the health, safety or wellbeing of people with disability.

We strive to minimise the risk of incidents but if they do occur, we have an incident management system to record, investigate and manage incidents in connection with providing our services to you.

We have developed our incident management system based on guidelines produced by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018.

Here are some safeguards we use to help keep Participants safe:

We engage good team members and support and train our team on how to support you and keep you safe.

We can support Participants link with an advocate to help:

  • Say what they want;

  • Understand decisions,

  • Support to make a complaint,

  • Support when Participants are feeling unsafe or have experienced an incident.

If something happens, we take quick action to try and fix a problem and make sure it doesn’t happen again.

We will keep details private and let Participants know about the advocates and other supports and services who can help them if they are not safe.